

10-23 20:21:01  浏览次数:0次  栏目:人生随笔
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(英文:Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi;18xx年10月2日-19xx年1月30日),尊称圣雄甘地,是印度民族主义运动和国大党领袖。他既是印度的国父,也是印度最伟大的政治领袖。他带领国家迈向独立,脱离英国的殖民统治。他的“非暴力反抗”的主张,也就是他说的“non-violent protest”,影响了全世界的民族主义者和那些争取和平变革的国际运动。




1.     Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.




2.     Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.




3.     Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment.




4.     A nation that is capable of limitless sacrifice is capable of rising to limitless heights. The purer the sacrifice the quicker the progress.


    一个国家的综合能力不是在于无限制的牺牲,而是在于无限制的增长。越纯的牺牲表示进步就越快。 www.qiuzhi56.com


5.     Truth is God and God is truth.




6.     Where there is love, there is life; hatred leads to destruction.




7.     Truth, purity, self-control, firmness, fearlessness, humility, unity, peace, and renunciation-these are the inherent qualities of a civil resister.




8.     Non-cooperation is a protest against an unwitting and unwilling participation in evil.




9.     You will eat not to satisfy your palate but your hunger. A self-indulgent man lives to eat; a self-restrained man eats to live.


    吃饭不是为美味而吃,而是饿了才吃。自我放纵的人活着为了吃饭,自我克制的人吃饭为了活着。 www.qiuzhi56.com


10.   Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.




11.   Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable.




12.   It does not require money to be neat, clean and dignified.




13.   Cowards can never be moral.




14.   To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.




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