

01-24 15:05:04  浏览次数:406次  栏目:注册会计师考试历年真题
标签:试题,历年真题,题库,http://www.qiuzhi56.com 08年CPA考试《审计》试题及答案,http://www.qiuzhi56.com
  (3) Based on (c), make a point estimate of the misstatement in the population.
  (4) Based on (d), develop the expected result of interest income from short-term loan.
  (5) Assume that after the tests mentioned in (d), John discovered that the interest income from short-term loan was understated by RMB¥;15.6 billion. Prepare the adjusting accounting entry.

  (1)acceptable detection risk= audit risk/ the risk of material misstatements=10%/80%=12.5%(可接受的检查风险=审计风险/重大错报风险=10%/80%=12.5%)
  (2)the upper limit of population deviation rate=Risk Factors/ sample size=2.3/60=3.83%
  estimate the actual value of the population=3000×94.54%=283.62 billion
  a point estimate of the misstatement in of the population=3000-283.62×10=16.38 billion
  (4)the expected result of interest income from short-term loan=(300+320+310+300+330+320+320+290+310+330+300+290)×5%=18.6 billion
  (5)the adjusting accounting entry:

  Dr:Interest suspense    156

    Cr:Interest income      156


  借:应收利息    156
    贷:利息收入      156)


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